Student Council


The student council helps share ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and institute administrative authorities. It also helps raise funds for college-wide activities, including social events.

There are various student council positions, and each position comes with its own set of responsibilities
👉 President - Represents the entire student body, as well as the entire student council. The president is responsible for running council meetings and is in charge of organizing all student council activities.
👉 Secretary - is the primary record keeper for the council. The secretary maintains minutes of the council’s meetings, keeps committee reports on file, and keeps track of student council members

Board Members

Core Members

Clubs Under Council

Club Secretaries

Organized Events

Let the Tune Up

Prakriti 2K22

Bathukamma Celebrations

Photography Workshop

Club Intros

Graduation Day

Student Council Members

Member Designation
Aravind Reddy Secretary
Durga Prasad Joint Secretary
Areena Student Coordinator CSE
K. Yashwanth Student Coordinator ECE
Jyothika Keerthi Student Coordinator IT
Haneesha Student Coordinator EEE
Chetan Student Coordinator CIVIL
Sai Kumar Student Coordinator MECH