St.Peters Engineering college

Computer Science and Design


“Design tomorrow’s information technology products, services, and systems that combine emerging technologies with rigorous design methods & practices.”

With the internet expanding in all spheres of life, and most industries increasing their web presence and interactivity with their stakeholders and customers, demand for incorporating good design and interaction design with rich media is increasing in all businesses. With an increasing focus on user experience, the importance of Interaction Design and Design Methods is also increasing rapidly in IT products and services.

The current World Scenario has increased the need for Digital connectivity, Digital tools, and Digital Applications. Computer Science and Design Course not only focuses on Computing Technologies, Software, Programming, and Tools but also incorporates various Design Methods, Patterns, and Interactive Approaches.

The B.Tech. in Computer Science and Design aims to develop graduates that are not only well versed with computing approaches, tools, and technologies but are also experienced with Design approaches and new Media technologies and uses. The program has a small set of core courses in CS and Design, and many electives which can be taken from CS as well as Design and Digital Media. This enables the students to build a program most suitable for them. The program will prepare students to work in the IT industry as well as the digital media industry like gaming, animation, virtual/augmented reality, etc. The program will also allow students, who want to pursue higher studies, to take up higher studies in CS/IT or Design.

The objective of this program will be to provide an increased focus on User Interface Design, User Experience, and other Design methods for a wide variety of IT products and services across all industry verticals.


The program aims to develop capabilities in CS as well as Design and Digital Media. At the end of the program, a student will have:


  • Understanding of foundations, limits, and capabilities of computing.
  • Navigate the active digital background to become strong, productive, global-minded persons.
  • Ability to design and implement efficient software solutions using suitable algorithms, data structures, and other computing techniques.
  • Understanding of design principles and techniques and ability to apply these for developing solutions to human/societal problems.
  • Ability to independently investigate a problem that can be solved by a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) design process and then design an end-to-end solution to it (i.e., from user need identification to UI design to technical coding and evaluation).
  • Ability to effectively use suitable tools and platforms, as well as enhance them, to develop applications/products used for new media design in areas like animation, gaming, virtual reality, etc.

In addition, the graduate of this program should also have the following general skills that are common with other B.Tech. programs:

  • Ability to function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal.
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of audiences.
  • Ability to self-learn and engage in lifelong learning.
  • Ability to undertake small research tasks and projects.
  • Ability to take an idea and develop it into a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture (if desired).
  • An understanding of the impact of solutions in an economic, societal, and environmental context.

The program aims to develop capabilities in CS as well as Design and Digital Media. At the end of the program, a student will have:

  • Understanding of foundations, limits, and capabilities of computing.
  • Navigate the active digital background to become strong, productive, global-minded persons.
  • Ability to design and implement efficient software solutions using suitable algorithms, data structures, and other computing techniques.
  • Understanding of design principles and techniques and ability to apply these for developing solutions to human/societal problems.
  • Ability to independently investigate a problem which can be solved by an Human Computer Interaction (HCI) design process and then design an end-to-end solution to it (i.e., from user need identification to UI design to technical coding and evaluation).
  • Ability to effectively use suitable tools and platforms, as well as enhance them, to develop applications/products using for new media design in areas like animation, gaming, virtual reality, etc.


In addition, the graduate of this program should also have the following general skills that are common with other B.Tech. programs:


  • Ability to function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal.
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of audience.
  • Ability to self-learn and engage in lifelong learning.
  • Ability to undertake small research tasks and projects.
  • Ability to take an idea and develop into a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture (if desired).
  • An understanding of the impact of solutions in an economic, societal, and environmental context.

Vision and Mission

To be an outstanding centre in the field of Computer Science & Design (CSG) and provide research opportunities to the students.
  1. To implement the recent trends in different teaching-learning aids.
  2. To promote industry-based research activities among the students and industry professionals that could benefit the society.
  3. To train the students to become globally competent in the field of computer science and design.

PEO's and PSO's

  1. To equip students with essential knowledge in basic computer science, basic electronics, and applied mathematics.
  2. To encourage the students in innovative project development, research development in the field of computer science, and design for the development of social benefits.
  3. To develop the graduates into professionally ethical individuals with analytical skills, design, and organizing skills to meet industry requirements.
  1. Ability to understand and apply mathematical methodologies to solve computational tasks, and model real-world problems using appropriate suitable algorithms.
  2. Ability to apply knowledge in various domains to identify the research gaps and provide solutions to new ideas.

Faculty Details

S.NO Faculty Name Designation Qualification UID Profiles
1 Mr. Aditya Vardhan Assist.Prof. M.Tech 8113-240909-154548 View Profile
2 Ms. Supriya Kumari Asst. Prof M.Tech 1814-240715-151920 View Profile
3 Ms. Sampa Biswas Asst. Prof M.Tech 3026-240706-103003 View Profile
4 Mr. K. Srinivas Asst.Prof. M.Tech 14150403-100442 View Profile
5 Mr. janaki Raman Asst.Prof. M.Tech View Profile


II B.Tech II Semester
Theory Practical
Computer Organisation Question Bank Computer Organisation  Lab
Database Management Systems Question Bank Database Management Systems Lab
Operating Systems Question Bank Operating Systems Lab
Business Economics and Financial Analysis Question Bank Gender Sensatization Lab
Formal Languages and Automata Theory Question Bank
III B.Tech I Semester
Theory Practical
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Question Bank Design and Analysis Lab
Data Communications and Computer Networks Question Bank Software Engineering Lab
Software Engineering Question Bank Computer Networks LAb
Fundamentals of Management Question Bank
Open Elective-1 PEC Question Bank
Professional Ethics
III B.Tech II Semester
Theory Practical
Compiler Design Question Bank Web Technologies Lab
Web Technologies Question Bank Advanced English Communication Skills Lab
Cryptography and Network Security Question Bank Cryptography and Network Security Lab
Open Elective II Question Bank
Professional Elective  1 Question Bank
IV B.Tech II Semester
Theory Practical
Management Science Question Bank Industry Oriented Mini Project
Adhoc and Sensor Networks(Elective – III) Question Bank Seminar
Semantic Web and Social Networks (Elective – IV) Question Bank Project Work
Comprehensive Viva
Open Elective   Disaster Management Intellectual Property Rights Human Values and Professional Ethics Elective – I     Software Project Management Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Mobile Computing Computer Graphics Operations Research
Elective – II Machine Learning Soft Computing     Information Retrieval Systems Artificial Intelligence Computer Forensics Elective – III Adhoc and Sensor Networks Storage Area Networks Database Security Embedded Systems
Elective – IV Web Services Semantic Web and Social Networks Scripting Languages Multimedia and Rich Internet Applications Professional  Elective- I Mobile Computing Design patterns Artificial Intelligence Information security Management(Security Analyst1) Introduction to Analytics(Associate Analytics-1)


E - Resources

Lecture Notes, Descriptive Question Bank and Objective Question Bank for Academic Year 2024-25- I Sem Click Here


Academic Excellence

I Year
Academic Year S.No. H.T. No. Name of the Student Branch Section %
2021-22 1 21BK1A7450 TANISH A LOTIA CSD A 86.78
3 21BK1A7408 BADDAM SWEEYA A 84.17