Department Associations Coordination Cell

Composition of the Committee:

  • The composition of committee comprises one senior faculty member as coordinator, one faculty member from each department as a member and
  • one student from each department as student coordinators.
  • One faculty member and one student from Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
  • One faculty member and one student from Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
  • One faculty member and one student from Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering.
  • One faculty member and one student from Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  • One faculty member and one student from Department of Civil Engineering.
  • One faculty member and one student from Department of Humanities and science.
S. No Functions of the Cell PO’s

To showcase their talents to outside world to get recognition.


To inculcate leadership qualities among students.


To impart the knowledge as per industry/Technology updates.


Provide venues for improving communication skills, exchange of the knowledge.


Committee Coordinator:

  1. Coordinator discusses with the committee members and decides the year planner for the college technical events as well as class events.
  2. Coordinator gets the approval from the principal to conduct events in the college.
  3. Conducts the meetings before the event to discuss about the proceedings and after the event to discuss about the feedback on that event.
  4. Coordinator and members shall estimate the budget for an event to be conduct.
  5. Coordinator assigns responsibility of each event to the committee members and student members.
  6. Coordinator nominates few faculty members and student members for monitoring disciplinary actions.
  7. Finally coordinator submits the report on that event to the principal.

Committee Member:

  1. Faculty members from each department shall collect the list of interested students for participation in the events from their department.
  2. Faculty members shall shortlist the candidates during the selection processes.
  3. Faculty members from each department organize the programs with the help of student members.
  4. Hospitality provided to the guests by the students shall be monitored by the faculty members.
  5. Faculty members shall have continuous monitoring over the events conducted.

Student Member:

  1. Student members are responsible to provide hospitality to guests and for external participants.
  2. Student members shall intimate the faculty members against the in-disciplinary issues.




1 Dr. Sayyad Saadik Ali Assistant Professor S&H Co-ordinator
2 A. Jyotirmai Assistant Professor ECE Member
3 C. Soumi Assistant Professor CSE Member
4 G. Raghavendra Reddy Assistant Professor MECH Member
5 K.Lakshmi Krishna Assistant Professor EEE Member
6 T.Ravi Kumar Assistant Professor CE Member
7 P.Venkateswar Rao Assistant Professor IT Member
8 K. Sai Mani (20BK5A0316) Student MECH Member
9 K. Sandeep (21BK1A0596) Student CSE Member
10 M.Sai bargav (20BK1A0467) Student ECE Member
11 Biradar Aakash(19BK1A0205) Student EEE Member
12 A Harini (20BK5A0102) Student CIVIL Member

S. No

Academic Year No. of Events

No. of Participants

1 2021-22 21 915
2 2019-20 3 380
3 2018-19 4 684
4 2017-18 5 625