St.Peters Engineering college


The exam cell coordinates with JNTUH regarding all matters related to the University examinations. The COE coordinates along with the Principal regarding all the proceedings of the Exam cell. Any information either received or required to be sent to the University is being dealt within the cell. Any circular, guidelines, office order, notifications received by the college is processed in the cell; reply thereof prepared and after Principal’s signature dispatched to the University.

S.No Name of the staff Designation Department Position Held
1 Dr. M Dilip Kumar  Associate Professor EEE Controller of Examination
2 Mr. M Bayapu Reddy Exam Cell In charge (JNTUH) Exam Branch In charge
3. Mr. S Veeraiah Exam Cell Assistant (JNTUH) Exam Branch Member
4. Mr S V Krishna Exam Cell Assistant ( Autonomous) Exam Branch Member
5. Mr. B Ravi Chandra Asst. Professor ECE Coordinator
6. Mr. D Harith Reddy Asst. Professor CSE Coordinator
7. Mr. Mirza Nayeem Asst. Professor CE Member
8. Mr. M. Yesuratnam Asst. Professor MECH Member
9. Mr. M Krishna Asst. Professor EEE Member
10. Mr. V Siva Prasad Asst. Professor CSE Member
11. Mr. L Venkat Reddy Asst. Professor H&S Member
12. Mr. K Anil Asst. Professor IT Member

The following are the functions of the examination committee

  1. To formulate the policies of the examination and evaluation
  2. To act as an advisory body of the matters relating to the conduct of examinations.

S.No Functionalities PO Mapped


Examination Cell shares exam related information to all stakeholders. PO10


Examination cell prepares Circulars for students regarding Exam Fee Collection, the last date of fee Collection, modalities of payments of fine etc. PO10,PO11


Examination Cell takes all precautions while preparing Examination Time table, Invigilation duty chart, seating plans for the students in the Examination halls, smooth conduct of Examinations etc. PO2,PO9,PO8


Examination Cell mobilizes the proper staff during the Examination time, and assigning them duty as per the duty chart already prepared PO2,PO10,PO8


Examination cell takes necessary steps for distribution of Answer sheets to the concerned teachers after completion of the exam and receiving the answer sheets, award list, and preparing in the desired format to send them to University. PO6,PO8,PO10


Examination Cell staff collects Marks Memos of various examinations from the University and they distribute them to the corresponding students. PO8,PO10


Examination cell analyzes all examination results and in consultation with the Principal, prepares the report thereof for submission to appropriate authorities for follow up action. PO2,PO10,PO5


Examination Cell keeps all records pertaining to examinations. PO12


Examination Cell staff addresses grievances of administration, faculty, staff and students on all examination related issues. PO8,PO6,PO10

Significant Improvements

  • Publication of research in a reputed journal derived from dissertation work performed by the P.G candidates was made mandatory.
  • Grievance committee dealing with the grievances of students and Faculty was introduced.
  • Barcode System of Examination was Introduced.